The Disturbing Legacy of Charles Finney - Dr. Michael Horton
The Disturbing Legacy of Charles Finney - Dr. Michael Horton I think this needs to be understood to fully understand the problem with the gospel message taught in churches today that creates mostly false converts. I added the warning in the Keith Green posting that we need to beware of Finney and his message. I was a big fan of Keith Green's ministry in college and I purchased Finney's "Revival Lectures" as recommended by Keith Green. This 'tradition' of evangelicalism needs to be evaluated purely with scripture and chuck out what is not biblical and anti-biblical. Finney and others are also responsible for the Burned-Over District of central and western New York where their revivalism left people very hardened to a sound gospel message and created the seed bed for a number of cults and false religions. This area produced Mormonism, Church of Christ Scientist, and the precursors for the Jehovah's Witnesses. We have not been learning our lessons wh...