
Showing posts from November, 2010

Does the Qur'an say Jesus was not crucified?

If you have any experience with Muslim beliefs you will have heard that the Qur'an says that Jesus was not crucified. This is an objection we need an effective answer too. This belief comes from Surah 4:157 "That they (the Jews) said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Apostle of God";- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them,..." I was listening to a podcast of a talk by Dr. Michael Green and he pointed out that this verse has some wiggle room. It could be interpreted that the Jews didn't kill Jesus, the Romans did and this verse is a condemnation of the Jews' boasting. He then went to Sura 19:33, a very strange passage where the newborn Jesus speaks to Mary and says in part: ""So peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again)"! Muslims are taught that Jesus didn't die at all but was assumed up to heaven ...