Answering Skeptics' Challenges #4 - Don't Christians do evil?
Last week’s class was about whether God does evil like ordering genocide or approving of slavery. Today’s class deals with the question “Don’t Christians do evil. The rise of the New Atheists and a lot of backlash against Christians came about out of the Islamic 9/11 attacks, strangely enough. The atheists looked at the threat of Islamic fundamentalism and jumped to the knee jerk conclusion that all religions are harmful . Hence the title of Christopher Hitchens ’ book “God is Not Great – How Religion Poisons Everything.” Christopher Hitchens lambasts Christians, Catholics, Muslims and more in his book. He doesn’t limit his ire to Muslims at all, but how many Amish terrorists have you heard of? Still, to his credit he has done a great deal help a fellow author, Salmon Rushdie, who has a death sentence on his head from an Islamic Fatwa placed on him because of his book, The Satanic Verses. That book was referring to the questions Muh...