Zombies at Your Door?

They come slowly down your sidewalk, two or three at a time.  They show little emotion and no enthusiasm but they are after you.  They are seeking out those who aren't yet like them.  Their brains have been afflicted and they cannot reason on their own any longer and they want your brain too.  They are Jehovah's Witnesses. 

Christian, certainly there is hyperbole in this characterization but it isn't that far off the mark.  When the JW's are going door to door they aren't rewarded by achieving high numbers but are putting in their time.  They face rejection almost everywhere they go so it is understandable to not have any enthusiasm for this task. 

No, these aren't zombies who are walking dead people like the movies and TV shows.  They are made in the image of God and, like you, were once 'spiritually' dead in their sins and need to be born again from above.  Now, what if your encounter at the door were filmed for a TV show would the audience be able to tell the difference between a spirit-filled, faithful follower of our risen Lord and a spiritually-dead, false religion bound, follower of a religious literature distribution cult out of Brooklyn, New York?  Were you kind or did you rudely ask them to leave and take their doctrines of demons to your neighbor?  Did you get out your Bible for some sword fighting with them that devolved into Bible ping-pong, jumping from verse to verse?  Or did you show them love and compassion by treating them with respect but setting apart Jesus as Lord and gently correcting them that they may be granted repentance and come to faith through the true gospel?  (2 Timothy 2:25)

You may not know what to say when the JW's come to your door but I believe you do know how you should behave.  If you also want to get to know what to say then you will find a lot of easy to use material in this blog.  If you get equipped then I trust that God will find a way to use you.  It tends to work that way.  Remember that great commission that Jesus gave us to go into the world and make disciples?  Well, people who want to talk about your faith are coming to you.  Make your behavior and your speech match what your profess to believe and faithfully show what a great Lord you have even if there is no camera at your front door.  There may not be a television audience but we have a King who is watching and we want to bring glory to Him.


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