Colossians 1:16-17 in NWT

The New World Translation (NWT) is infamous for changing verses to fit with their theology. In some verses like Col 1:16-17 they inserted the word [other] in brackets to portray Christ as a created being. In the most recent edition of the NWT the brackets have unfortunately been removed. They claim that the bracketed words were inserted to improve clarity. Even the NASB marks the words they insert to improve clarity so that practice is fine as far as it goes but often in the NWT they are actually there to negate the original meaning. With that in mind, I would like to suggest that they could have inserted a different word to be just as clear in their goal of negating the clear text: Instead of verse 16 reading: "because by means of him all [other] things were created in the heavens and upon the earth,..." they could have written it "because by means of him all things were [not] created in the heavens and upon the earth..." If Christ were 'create...